Our donors, and the beneficiaries of their generosity, have stories to share.

Read their inspiring stories below:

Exponential Impact and the Perpetual Cycle of Service

During her college search, Betsy A. Bender ’86 included Elizabethtown College on her short list because of its Communications program, tennis team, and proximity to home. But it was the College’s welcoming and nurturing environment and friendly campus community that convinced Betsy to make Etown her home for the next four years.

Clearing Financial Hurdles for Future Blue Jays

Elizabethtown College is a place that Scott D. ’92 and Jenny K. (Mahan) ’94 Habecker hold close to their hearts. Not only is Etown the place where their relationship began, it is also where they received a high-quality education that set them up for future success.

Alumna Gifts Handmade Blue Jay Wood Carving

Hazel (Knappenberger) Goodwin ’55 began artful wood carvings nearly 25 years ago. Today, the walls and shelves of her home are adorned with incredibly intricate and magnificent creations, all of which she produced herself.

Etown Receives $6.5 Million Gift, Second-Largest in College’s History

Elizabethtown College recently received a $6.5 million gift from the estate of alumnus Jay A. Izenour ’72 to endow the Jay A. Izenour and Karen L. Izenour Endowed Scholarship Fund. The Izenour gift is the second-largest in the College’s history.

Son Honors Parents’ Love for Each Other and the College

Elizabethtown College was gifted a $100,000 donation in 2021 to establish a scholarship by the estate of Rear Admiral Philip O. Geib.

Paying it Forward: An Endowed Scholarship

When Arlene graduated from high school in 1939, she wanted desperately to attend college. She applied and was accepted to attend Elizabethtown College, and was offered a scholarship. It was not enough, but she never forgot the kindness.

Which Comes First?

Did you know that one of the largest scholarship funds in the College’s history almost didn’t happen?

The Power of a Bequest

Mary "Molly" Emenheiser graduated from Elizabethtown College with a B.S. in Elementary Education.

Serving Tomorrow

Ron and Sandy have established a scholarship fund that will be endowed through their estate.

Frank M. Masters Jr.

It was a passion for education and a love of jazz music and mineral collecting that drew a Harrisburg philanthropist to the Elizabethtown College campus and brought about his making the single largest contribution in the College’s history.

Generations of Service

The family of Ira Herr has a long history of service to Elizabethtown College.